Account Executive - OK and TX
Rezilient Health
We're not telehealth and we're not a traditional doctor's office: we're the best parts of both.
Our mission at Rezilient Health is simple: to make access to primary and multispeciality care convenient, timely, and seamless. Because we virtually beam our doctors into our CloudClinics, our members can choose their doctor based on their preferences, not their location, for a completely different healthcare experience.
Our doctors can be anywhere, while our CloudClinics are conveniently located where people live, work, and shop. Each CloudClinic is staffed by an experienced clinic specialist who becomes the doctor’s hands. Our members can also interact with their Rezilient doctors through chat and video, providing a continuous relationship with their doctor no matter where they are.
Above all, our tech-forward approach streamlines the primary care experience so our doctors have the time to treat our members as a whole person, not just a collection of symptoms. And...